Alanis McNier

is a designer and graduate of College for Creative Studies. She creates  functional art objects using materials from our daily lexicon: expanded steel, silicone, caulk, cast aluminum.

Exploring the potential of these materials outside of their standard context, she creates forms examining how our individual micro-interactions build up over time to shape a collective social reality. Specifically, the behaviors and habits we form around the objects we bring into our lives and how these connect us to the world we all live in.

In her work Alanis is not out to champion a specific cause or push the user to attribute a particular meaning to the object. Rather in creating inquisitive forms, she encourages you to look more closely, to ask questions, to reflect. 

“Breaking down the traditional barriers between Art and design, between function and materiality seems to be the future for furniture, and I’m nothing but delighted about it.” - Alanis McNier